Team USA’s Blake Steinecke Makes the Best of Lockdown

USA Blind Hockey Brief – Blake is putting the extra time he has available to good use. “I have enjoyed playing in my garage with my goal, stick handling tools and roller skating around the neighborhood. I have acquired many different pieces of equipment throughout the years to have a nice garage hockey setup.” Some of his favorite equipment includes:
  • A hockey goal, either a simple street hockey goal or one with blockers on the sides for wide shots, as well as pockets to practice sniping corners
  • Roller hockey pucks, which he noted slide well on slick garage flooring
  • Green biscuit pucks, which he uses to practice on concrete and noted are about the same weight as an ice hockey puck
  • Roller hockey skates with tough wheels for concrete
  • Stick blade protector to prolong blade life
  • Blind hockey puck with ball bearings removed to reduce noise when practicing stick handling (removed by drilling a hole in the puck’s side)
As for his advice for fellow blind hockey players who want to stay engaged and continue training, Blake offered the following: “Get creative, have fun with it and maximize this time to get fundamentals into muscle memory.”

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